Monday, January 10, 2011

Not the adventure we were hoping for!

When I decided to start blogging I thought I would be writing about the cute things that are happening around our house, but it turns out the past few days have not been that cute! At 2am on Saturday morningt I woke up to "Help Mommy!" over the monitor. When I ran in, I found Caroline and her entire bed covered in vomit.  The poor baby threw up and dry heaved until 8:30am.  I spoke to the doctor on call and got a Rx that caused the vomiting to stop.

We knew she wasn't a 100% but she sure acted fine so at 6:30pm we put her in the car to grab a quick dinner.  We were not even out of the driveway when round two hit!  Why is it that cribs and car seats are so hard to wash?

She played all day on Sunday as if she had never been sick so we decided to venture out of the house and go see the 6:30 showing of Tangled, a movie I have been promising to take her to.  We bought our tickets and were standing in line at the concession stand when round three hit!  Brian tried to catch it on his shirt but of course it was everywhere!  So I rush her into the ladies room, where at least 5 old ladies gathered around her telling us how cute she is and not realizing I was dealing with a minor emergency.  UGH!  We left the movie theatre with Caroline most upset that she didn't get to see her movie.

On the way home Brian started moaning, it was an animal like noise he was making.  Brian continued moaning and having diarrhea throughout the night.  The moaning was so bad that the dogs were crying and Caroline was yelling, "Daddy, Kay?" Needless to say, Brian stayed home from work today and is still miserable.

This morning, I took Caroline to see her doctor who confirmed it is the stomach virus that is going around.  She said her family got it a couple months ago.  Her husband was home in bed for three days and when she thought it was over she ended up with it.  She said unfortunately is probably too late for me to escape it and it will most likely cause a DIARRHEA INDUCED LABOR!  I can't really think of a worse way to give birth than that, so lets hope this is not the case!

Caroline has acted like she felt fine all day. Even spent 30 minutes chasing Rita and Molly around the house spraying them with a can of Lysol.  She took a late nap and was sound asleep at 6pm when she started puking again!  It seems like 6pm is her witching hour!  I am washing the sheets in our room for the 3rd time and hoping not to have a DIARRHEA INDUCED LABOR!  Thats all for now...


  1. Oh my goodness. I am scared about the DII that you speak of! haha! I am sure Brian will love that you have shared so much about him too! haha

  2. Oh yuck! Been there done that! That stomach bug is nasty. Keeping my fingers crossed you don't get it. No one wants a diarrhea induced labor, lol.
